Assisted by Derbyshire Fox rescue

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Ready to go

It's been bitterly cold out on the cliffs the past few nights and the wind chill from the easterly wind is brutal.  Here I am wrapped up to brave the conditions early hours this morning.


Photo taken early hours today.  The blind eye (his left) can be seen bloodshot.  Debatable how the injury occurred but probably fighting with other foxes.  One Eye is fortunately a dominant fox and is shown due respect.  He approaches with confidence to get his nightly treat.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Becbla my blind vixen

Becbla continues to wait for me in her usual place.  Early hours this morning she managed to eat one chicken thigh before other foxes arrived on the scene.  Throwing some food to distract them, I then managed to get another chicken thigh to Becbla which she seized and fled down the meadow.