The Ghost litter turned up - but without adults so they never got within range of the static cam positioned in the hedge - darting in and snatching food thrown to them and off in a flash ... Rome wasn't .... though
Saturday Aug 28 - 21:00 hrs CMT
I'm going to try and get footage of the elusive 'Ghost Litter' later on this evening. A regular vixen comes to feed in my garden high up above the bungalow. She has a litter of about four - all of which are very light coloured like their mother. They are all small and I suspect arrived later than usual because of the sarcoptic mange outbreak last winter.
They rely heavily on their mother and one or two 'aunties' as if they approached other larger, stronger foxes, they would be attacked.
I'll set up the infrared cam and see if I can get a few shots of them - IF they appear, that is ...
Sunday, 29 August 2010
A strange night
Neither Meadow Vixen - missing now for three nights - nor My Vixen - very rare as she's only missed three nights since early June ... showed up and the top meadow was eerily devoid of life.
There are several fox 'territories' within the environs of Maidencombe - some as small as a quarter mile apart, but there's a communication network much like our own telephone or internet system that joins all territories up. So if the 'word' goes out, all foxes (and sometimes badgers, who also pick up on the telegraph system) will disappear - where, even I or Mr Cruisedog know not ... I may fathom it out eventually, as I've only had experience of foxes and badgers for about 35 years ...
Running a slight temperature at present and retiring early as not 100 per cent ...
Thursday, 26 August 2010
... out on the cliffs tonight - quite heavy drizzle but mild with light winds. Meadow Vixen appeared after a three night absence and My Vixen was waiting at her usual location ... her fur is growing back really well now and she should be able to withstand another winter now. Both vixens took food gently without snatching - a sign that they were unstressed with all around them. The old badger boar and his entourage of sows ambled up to their usual place and grazed contentedly on peanuts, digestive biscuits and bananas. All in all, a satisfying night for all of us ...
Sunday, 22 August 2010
Saturday, 21 August 2010
Friday, 20 August 2010
A young fox stops to stare
... Meadow Vixen takes food by hand and then a young fox looks over - trying to understand this strange human ...
Wednesday, 18 August 2010
... drama at Cruisedog Towers as a humble pigeon takes on all-comers for the rights to the seed tray ...
Monday, 16 August 2010
Meadow Vixen slow motion clip - early hours Mon August 16
... Meadow Vixen sees off a competitor for food in decisive fashion ... clip slowed down X2 to capture the charge
Sunday, 15 August 2010
Meadow Vixen taking food
... in the early hours of Friday August 13th ... this is probably a first year breeding vixen and in excellent condition ...