Assisted by Derbyshire Fox rescue

Monday, 20 December 2010

MONDAY 01:55 hrs - just back from the Night Patrol

The foxes know that bad weather's approaching - they were out in force to stock up with chub and chicken scraps. Meadow Vixen appeared suddenly by my side while we were en route and was clearly not relishing the biting wind sweeping in from the sea. Normally very timid foxes were coming in close to ensure a meal - snatching a mouthful and fleeing into the night. My crippled dog fox Limper was given a special treat - Mr Cruisedog's lamb bone with plenty of fat still left on it (Mr Cruisedog is not allowed fat or oily chicken as it always makes him sick) .. Mr Cruisedog watching intently untethered as always and didn't make a fuss. Yes, they definitely knew about the snow coming in a few hours from now but hopefully it will thaw quickly with temps. of +4C forecast.

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