Assisted by Derbyshire Fox rescue

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Return of One Eye

'One Eye' - my one-eyed dog fox  had been missing for a few days and I was becoming a little concerned of his welfare. More worryingly,  foxes hadn't been seen in my garden when I first ventured out for our nightly meander.
It was therefore reassuring to see One Eye appear on the wall when I called.  He stood some way off and I threw him his portion of meat which he seized before retreating into the hedge.
A few minutes later two vixens arrived and it seems that the usual pattern of behaviour has been resumed.
No sign of Becbla, my blind vixen - or indeed any fox in her usual roaming area.  The presence of half a dozen rabbits was confirmation that there were no foxes in the immediate vicinity.   Not a single badger on view anywhere on our rounds.  Not a breath of wind and the visibility was excellent with generous amounts of clear sky.

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